Cage Match! is the newest MMA Board Game on Board Game Geek, and is so far the only one that checks all the boxes of authentic MMA feel, player agency and availability for purchase. However, it is not the first or only MMA board game. There have been several MMA or at least MMA-related board …
Tag: cage match
Limited quantities of Cage Match! are still available at a great price! Get it now!
We’re selling Cage Match! The MMA Fight Game on Amazon for only $25 which includes free shipping. We’re getting some good feedback from players on Board Game Geek, from reviewers on BGG and elsewhere. If you haven’t bought the game yet, we are not likely to offer free shipping (for Prime members) through Amazon for …
Steps To Publishing a Game – Part 1
For where we’re at as a publishing company, it’s important to break down the activity of making a game down to the small activities that build up to the total, and I’m going to share my thinking in this post. Being both the designer and publisher in my case, it can be hard to separate …
Cage Match! The MMA Fight Game is here!
Hello! No matter where you are in this blog’s history, thanks for coming by. Did you hear about our new game coming out on Amazon in November? Cage Match! The MMA Fight Game is in my hand, right now, off the production line, with shrink wrap and everything! It rocks. It papers. It scissors. It’s …
Developing Cage Match: Lessons learned
Cage Match! The MMA Fight Game will be in publication in November of this year! Sign up for our newsletter and we’ll let you know when it’s available on Amazon! Or visit the game page! I’m not proud to say that the genesis of this game took place a full 2 years ago, and this …
Board Game Design Diary: Restrictions are good
If you’re interested in the Cage Match! game we’ve developed, or board game design in general, then be sure to sign up for our newsletter! What I’ve really learned is about the nature of restriction. What if there were no lines on the road, no boundaries and everyone could just drive in whatever direction they …
Board Game Design Diary: The Fun Heart of the Game
Was conversing with my buddy Jackson Pope on Twitter recently about what game design is all about. This topic is what I think about these days. When you make a game, it’s all about the fun heart of the game, about finding it and elevating it and building a game around it. Everything else is …
Even less is even more: Cage Match final game update
About a year ago, we cut the elements of Cage Match! in half, and the game became much better for it. Over the past couple of weeks, racing towards our deadline to print in time for the holidays, we reduced it even further, and what was a good game is really and truly a great …
Good to great: Do you think about UI in your board game design?
“I think the tables are easy to read, for the most part,” states D in this review of Cage Match! by Board Crazy Games. “And, the results on these tables make a lot of sense to me as well,” adds Will. “Because of these charts,” he adds a bit later, “This game could have easily been, …
Board Game Design Diary: Our first Cage Match! review plus final game changes
We’re getting great coverage and feedback on Cage Match!, check it all out! Read an interview with Zatu Games. Watch 2 complete play-throughs from Board Crazy Games. Or watch the quick play-through version. See the Review from Board Crazy Games. Visit the boardgamegeek page to rate, review or ask questions. Sign up to follow the …