Hi everyone, it’s been a long journey but we’ve launched our first Kickstarter in Fearsome Wilderness, a tabletop gaming experience crafted for gamers, hobbyists, and horror fans alike. Back it now! Fend off the unnatural Fearsome Critters of folklore. Endure grueling days and tormented nights in the forest. Time is short. Can you survive with …
Tag: kickstarter
Steps To Publishing a Game – Part 1
For where we’re at as a publishing company, it’s important to break down the activity of making a game down to the small activities that build up to the total, and I’m going to share my thinking in this post. Being both the designer and publisher in my case, it can be hard to separate …
Kickstarter or Amazon?
There are blogs that tackle the Should You Take Your Game To Kickstarter? question really well already, based on actual experience launching games both with and without Kickstarter. Well this blog is our experience, and we have yet to publish our first game, but we are having to decide right now if we will go …
Cage Match Update: The First Review Copies Are Away!
Last night I assembled all of my materials for Cage Match! and put together 2 complete review copies, inserts and all. Today, I mailed them off. Nerve-wracking stuff, I tell you. I’m not even going to say the names of the reviewers in case they don’t like it. You never really know when you’re ready …
Is Kickstarter Over-Saturated?
Is Kickstarter over-saturated? I was going to blog about something else entirely, but this topic has heated up in my mind to where it’s overflowing like a volcanic island. By over-saturated, I mean simply: Have we reached the point of saturation of games coming out on Kickstarter to where a finite gaming community can’t take …
Do Complex Games Need a Quick or EZ Mode?
I’ve been working on Cage Match (new site!) for nearly a year now, and the game is great, but one piece of feedback I’ve gotten is that there’s a lot going on. More than one person suggested that it would be nice if there was an easy or quick mode to the game. The thing is, …
To the market: Romanfgames at the 2018 Toy Fair
This will be a different sort of blog post than many of the others, very personal in nature, more the diary of a new game designer, intended for friends of the blog. The show Although I’ve posted about GenCon many times, this was my first trip to the Toy Fair. There is a big difference …