Month: January 2017

Building the Best Pathfinder Party

This is a post about Pathfinder the Card Game by Paizo for those who are familiar with the game. While it may seem that the party possibilities are endless, there are obvious ways to optimize your party and avoid duplication that are worth a look.  Of course, it depends upon exactly how large your party …

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Epic Duels Session Report: The Jedi of old battle it out in 4 matches

Four in-person 2v2 duels preceded by a rousing match of Slapshot.  All four duels featured lightsaber wielders as major characters and in most cases, minor characters as well. Darth Plagueis & Apprentice Sidious and Sora Bulq defeated Master Obi-Wan & Jedi Knight Anakin and Saesee Tiin & Agen Kolar on Geonosis Arena Obi-Wan & Anakin aggressively …

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A Different Kind of Dueling Game: 7 Wonders Duel Review

As both of my gaming groups and I are all already fans of 7 Wonders, I was excited to get a crack at the still fairly new 7 Wonders Duel.  It didn’t disappoint. Overall Feeling If you’re already familiar with 7 Wonders, it’s an outstanding game for the way it makes you feel part of …

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Swords and Sorcery in a Cartoon World: Arcadia Quest Review

So we broke out the game Arcadia Quest the other day, put together trio squads of cartoonish eleves and bashed Orcs and Trolls by throwing dice.  So yeah, it was loads of fun.  Here’s a review: Overall Feeling Arcadia Quest completes its own quest of putting you in the middle of an action sequence, with …

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Epic Duels Rogue One decks

Krennic and Chirrut & Baze defeated Jyn and Cassian & K-2SO, twice Neither Jyn nor K-2 could get much going either game, while Chirrut & Baze are actually a pretty tough duo, at least in this matchup.  What’s also true is that of the 4, Krennic probably has the most staying power, followed by Chirrut …

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Epic Duels Session Report

Finn & Poe and Ki-Adi-Mundi defeated Boba Fett & Dengar and Greedo & Thugs on Geonosis I thought this game exposed Greedo a bit as not being able to do much.  He got both of his A8s off and got a decent, not great contribution from Boba & Dengar, while Ki-Adi-Mundi had very little going …

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Let’s be Vikings: A Feast for Odin Review

Overall Feeling A Feast for Odin is the latest from Uwe Rosenberg of Agricola fame, a worker placement game in an age of Vikings, of farming, of exploration, of good old raiding, pillaging and plundering.  You complete with other Viking tribes to gain the most victory points, earned through a variety of different channels like …

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Fast Food in the Flying Fifties: Food Chain Magnate Review

We broke in a couple of new games a week or so ago out in Northwest Chicago.  The first one we broke out was the 1950s-themed Food Chain Magnate, a fun little business-oriented game where you battle as competing food chains in a single city. Overall Feeling Food Chain Magnate does a nice job of …

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