Gotta tell you, I’ve been excited to write this one for a while now, because of all the dozens of titles we’ve played recently, this one is the best. Terraforming Mars has a strong theme, sound mechanics, great components and it just pulls off what it’s trying to do as well as any game I’ve …
Month: February 2017
Epic Duels and card combinations
In designing some of these recent decks, I’ve noticed something about card combinations: A deck can’t rely upon them. It’s nice to have them, and having them should have big effects, nearly game-winning effects. However, you can’t design a deck where that’s their only real path to victory, unless it’s going to include 6 or …
Epic Duels Aesthetics
Along with the 8 decks from the Disney movies, I updated 9 other decks with nice new card back art, which include the minor as well as the major character. The only exception is Jyn Erso, for whom I tried to merge some Commando minors into the art I’m using for the back, but the …