Check out our new Unmatched page

For fans of, or those just curious about, Unmatched by Restoration games — the restoration of Epic Duels — we set up a page as a portal to all of our Unmatched content!

We are also starting to break down the decks, to understand the structure of the special cards and basic cards that make up Unmatched decks, so that we can start creating our own.  Jump right in and let us know what you think!


  1. A. Square says:

    Thanks for putting together such a great resource! My son and I spent the morning going over your deck lists, and at dinner the whole family brainstormed which characters we’d like to make (my four and a half year old suggested Mary Poppins, who has the power to use her umbrella to move anywhere on the board).

    Is there any forum for discussing deck building? I’d love to be able to learn from people with more experience.

  2. JAG18 says:

    Thank you so much for doing all this Roman. I’ll get more into Unmatched next month after I’ve actually played the game…Of course, that hasn’t stopped me from writing up a Han and Chewie deck in the meantime.

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