I suppose Firefly is becoming a distant memory at the time this page is published in 2017, which is a shame. If you do remember the TV series, or the movie Serenity, Firefly the Game pretty well capture’s Joss Whedon’s world of space with a western feel. Each game has a goal but to reach that goal you find a crew, find a (or many) job(s), and fly out to complete them. Your travels will take you across the solar systems where you will pickup cargo and passengers, add weapons and items to crew members, and avoid the Alliance and the Reavers while completing missions. Earn more money, outfit your ship a little better and advance towards your goal faster than the other guys. It is in some ways like Xia, but without the ship-to-ship combat, but also with more of a captain & crew feel to it. I probably prefer Firefly but it’s in at least part due to my love for the old TV series.