Sly Moore – Geektopia Games

Sly Moore

Minor(s): 2 Senate Guards

This is basically Sultan’s Sly Moore deck, which was very similar to Aaron Shockley’s Sly Moore deck.  The modifications I’ve made, make it work a little better, in my opinion, worthy of making the .PDF available. I added this page in 2016 but the deck has been around in print since 2011 or so.

I think the deck is fun but essentially, DOMINATION is what makes the deck what it is, and it’s a NPE (Negative Play Experience) for some.  The card allows you to control a character for an action, a very good way to represent Sly Moore in Epic Duels terms, but also the reason we don’t play this deck more than once every few years. Anyways, go ahead and try it out if you want to and let us know what your experience is.

What does this deck do:  Takes control of an enemy character for an action.  Eliminates minors.  Other sneaky things.

2019 tweak:  I’m going to replace her Blue deck with a Brown based on some of the feedback below that she is in fact pretty strong, and the fact that the Brown deck was made for characters like her, a non-Jedi.

Sly Moore
by Sultan, tweaks by Roman

Sly Moore
14 HP
Brown Deck
22 cards

2x Senate Guard
5 HP Each
Strong ranged minor deck
9 cards

Sly Moore – 12 Talent Cards

A6.  Sly Moore may exchange places with any character on the board.

A0.  Playing this card does not count as an action.  Draw a card.

D6.  You may reshuffle your discard pile into your draw pile.

Choose any minor character.  That character takes 5 damage.

Choose a player to reveal his/her hand. Choose one of that player’s characters. You may take 1 action using that character and the cards in his/her hand, and that character may attack allies.

You may search you draw pile for the DOMINATION card and put it in your hand.  Then shuffle your draw pile.





  1. umondy says:

    Thanks for the update. Interesting you don’t like the deck just because of one card that is quite powerful but nothing too special compared to whats around in the ED universe. Especially considering how weak her own cards are. She has 3 attacks with no value and they only serve the purpose of pulling cards.
    Even domination is completely useless if you don’t play a 2v2 match or if there is only the major opponent left or if the opponent only has generic minors.
    So you can’t cause any damage with A0, DOMINATION may be completely useless, and you are left with 3xA6 and 2xA5 without any special special abilities. ASSASSINATION is quite nice but again no help against other majors and a big waste if facing somebody with generic minors.
    For me those are more the reasons the deck never gets played not because of NPE because of one card that isn’t even thatr bad.

    • roman says:

      I like the deck just fine but my group doesn’t. It’s because they find DOMINATION to be a NPE, not because they necessarily find the deck to be overpowered. They just don’t like seeing Sly take over Mace and make him WHIRLWIND his friends. It’s a personal feeling sort of thing. Some players, like Mike Maloney and his group, find Palpatine’s YOU WILL DIE to be a NPE, but it has never bothered our group.

      As for power level, I think Sly looks fairly strong but I haven’t played her enough to know. As you point out, her offense is fairly weak, but if she can use ASSASSINATION to wipe out opposing minors and her A0 to draw out defense, she’s got more than enough with her strong minors contributing to her A6s and A5s.

      Despite her 14 HP, she’s also got very good staying power. I increasingly think that characters should not have both power defense and strong minors, but that’s exactly what she has, so she’s tough to bring down. Add in an ability to reshuffle her best cards back into her deck and she looks pretty strong to me.

      But don’t take my word for it, play her and let me know how she does!

      • JAG18 says:

        One of my favorite theme duels to play is this deck with Darth Sidious against Mace (tweaked) and Saesee Tinn so I actually have a good amount of experience with this deck and I agree with what Roman says. Especially on Sly’s (pretty solid) staying power.

        I personally have mixed feelings about DOMINATION, mostly because it took me more reads than normal to figure out how it works and just ’cause it’s a bit outside the normal dueling experience.

  2. umondy says:

    Ha you at the very least inspired me to play her again next time. Still think she is way better in 2v2 but it is okay that she is not super strong. That fits her character. My group definately is not as concerned about NPE cards like yours. Sure it blows to eat one of those cards sometimes but thats the name of the game. Everybody knows tha Palpi has this card f.e. and you adjust your game to it. I think we love the challange as long as the deck is not way overpowered or unfair.
    Again for DOMINATION to really cause game chanving havoc a lot of chips have to fall the right way.
    I will let you know how our next game goes with her.

  3. Jimbotron says:

    Hi! There has been discussion in my circle as to whether or not DOMINATION was intended to include non-actions as part of its play; for example, if I am Sly and I play DOMINATION on the original Darth Maul, who has a handful of non-actions in his hand, could I just play all of his non-actions and then finally play a card that counts as an action to finish off this use of DOMINATION, or would those cards be off-limits to me, as they are non-actions? To circumvent this debate, I printed out a DOMINATION card with modified text which reads “You may play 1 card…” rather than “You may take 1 action…”, as I feel it’s more fair. Nevertheless, some debate rages on, so I wanted to obtain an opinion from you guys. Thanks!

    • roman says:

      Hi Jimbo, thanks for the question. I like your wording “play 1 card” better than the current wording because it gets confusing as to how many actions using DOMINATION requires, which is just one, not an additional one for the card you play. There would be no real advantage to using a non-action card except that it takes it away from that player.

      • JAG18 says:

        I like Jimbo’s wording too and recommend (if changing it is being considered) something like: “Choose a player to reveal his/her hand. Choose one of the cards you see. You may play that card using that character who can attack allies this turn.”

        Also, am I seeing things or is Sly Moore now a core deck?

        • roman says:

          As far as “core” goes… it’s sort of losing it’s distinction. The new visual layout (any feedback on that?) works better with 2 more decks among the “core” so I moved up Sly and Luke Rebel Commando with the idea that these both are pretty standard decks, both have gotten some use and feedback over the years, and both are fairly balanced. I’d call them “finished” but decks are never really finished.

          • JAG18 says:

            Ah, I see. Concerning the layout, I don’t really have an opinion about it one way or the other; It certainly looks more impressive visually. Speaking as someone who remembers when typing in “” bought you to a grey page of red text links, I’ve learned to adapt.
            I will, however, say that if I need to find a deck fast I often need to go to the alphabetical or even the power level list.

      • Jimbotron44 says:

        OK cool, and thank you for the reply! Appreciate all the work you guys do for the Dueling world- we love playing with so many of your decks!

        • roman says:

          Thanks Jimbo. I’ve updated the deck. You can thank us by leaving us comments about those decks. Let us know what your experiences are!

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